1/29/09 - 31w1d
One thing I like about Babies R Us is the variety of free "classes" they offer. Every month, BRU holds these in-store events featuring educational classes. I went to a breastfeeding event given by an International Board Certified lactation consultant. I felt bad for her because I was the only one in attendance but I was glad for me because I got one on one attention. I was free to talk all about breasts, specifically my breasts. And who doesn't want that opportunity?
I got lots of information, materials and Medela free samples. I learned that I need to pump 50-70 ounces a day to build up a store of milk for twins. That seems like a lot. I have a Lansinoh pump courtesy of middle sis but the lactation consultant recommended a hospital grade pump to get me started. I think all I will be doing is pumping and sleeping. I have ambitious plans for breastfeeding and reality may present something entirely different. I want to breastfeed both babies at the same time and for at least a year. Now that might mean pumping and having someone else feed them but breast milk is good, be it in a bottle or a boob.
These are articles from Parents.com have some of the same info I got from the LC.
23 Great Nursing Tips from Moms
Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions
The Breastfeeding Survival Guide
Adventures in Sous Chefdom contd
7 months ago
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