Monday, August 31, 2009

Best Baby Products Carnival

I have a friend who just started her third trimester. She also had infertility issues so we shared a lot with that regard. She was going to start an IVF cycle when she got pregnant. You never know what a vacation and some alcohol will loosen up for you. Maybe that was my problem, I didn't drink.

She is having all sorts of baby showers and I was thinking about all the things that were a necessity and what things were luxury items. I want to get her practical stuff that I know she will use.

As I was doing my usual rounds in mommy blog/giveaway land, I came across Thrifty and chic mom. She is hosting a Best Baby Products Carnival starting in September and just look at all the great companies she has lined up. I can get some great ideas for gifts.

■Bumbleride Indie Twin Stroller
■Ergo Heart 2 Heart
■O Yikes!
■Moon Over Maize
■HappyBaby Meals
■Two Tinas
■The Sofia Valeria Collection
■Designs By Dad
■Smart Mom Jewelry
■Little Luvee
■Happy Panda Baby

How awesome would it be to win the Indie twin stroller? Head on over to her blog and check it out.