Value: $30
Location: US
Reserve: $11
Auction start: 6/2 8:00 am Central
Auction end: 6/5 8:00 pm Central
Questions about the item: member(dot)thao(at)
How E-mealz works:
You choose the store. We provide the plan!
Each week you will receive a brand new plan AND a complete aisle-by-aisle grocery list.
There are 26 E-Mealz Menu Plans from which to choose.
Each meal plan is only $1.25 per week and represents many hours of recipe and menu planning, price shopping, and recipe testing. All of these plans are designed with your whole family in mind, even the specialty plans created for weight management. Now we also have plans for just two people!
To see a SAMPLE and find out more about a particular plan, click on the image below. Take a plan for a test drive!
(NOTE: E-mealz is a weekly publication. In the event that you miss printing off your plan for the week, we keep each plan posted on our site for two weeks as a courtesy, giving you a 2 week margin to retrieve a plan you may have missed! On four major holidays a year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Easter, meal plans are shortened to a four-day plan.)
About E-mealz
Jane's inspiration for E-Mealz grew out of her frustration with the difficulty of pulling off dinner for her own family. She says that she felt one week would be semi-sane with "a scribbled down meal plan on napkin lost in the bottom of my purse," and then the next would be sheer chaos. But she was committed to making her family life ordered around an evening meal where everyone could decompress and come face to face with each other.
Jane's search convinced her that all she needed was a simple system to uncomplicate getting the family around the table enjoying a delicious and kid-friendly meal. Jane became intentional in finding that tool for her family, remembering that her Mom fed her large family well on a very small grocery budget with a weekly meal plan of her own creation. In looking for a system on-line that would eliminate the hours and hours of work meal planning requires, Jane found that all of these services were either oblivious to her budget, required using coupons, did not have a consolidated grocery list, had lengthy and complicated instructions, or had recipes that her kids boycotted. She couldn't find any weekly plan coordinated with her grocery store's current sales to maximize her grocery budget.
For more information on how the plans work, visit the FAQs.
Visit E-mealz on Facebook to get updates on their blog.
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