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I was talking to Rod last night about our New Year's resolutions. He didn't have any at the time but I immediately thought of some for him. I don't think he liked any of my suggestions. :P
Until he can think of some or I can come up with other more attainable goals, I will focus on my own resolutions or rather goals for the coming year.
Ali Edwards writes about coming up with a word of the year.
"The idea behind the one little word concept is to give yourself something to focus on throughout the year. As I stated in my newsletter back in January 2007, "A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow."Because it is so fitting, I am taking Ali's word as my word for 2009.

Twins - As my top priority, I will care for and encourage the growth and development of our twins.
Other things I plan to nurture:
Marriage - I hope with the birth of our babies, Rod and I will become even closer. It will be stressful and fulfilling at the same time and out focus may be all on the babies but we will definitely work on nurturing our relationship.
Photography - I hope to find a nice camera to replace my 10 year old Canon Powershot. With the arrival of two babies, I know we will be taking tons of pictures. This will also help with my next goal.
Scrapbooking - I have this great craft room and since being pregnant, I have not done as much scrapbooking as I would like. There are so many memories and milestones I want to preserve and I don't know where to start. I know I want to document everything that has to do with the babies.
Friendships - It is difficult to find "kindred spirits" or make lasting friendships but hope to develop more this year and grow the existing friendships. I joined a KAPOM, Katy area parents of multiples, and will be attending the first meeting this month. With common interests being kids, I want to find other parents to bond and make play dates.
Myself - I want to take better care of my health, nurture my body and soul, so I can better care for my family. I tend to neglect my health and this year, I plan to focus on living a healthier lifestyle. (Rod- This means purchasing fewer bags of peanut M&M's and strawberry pop tarts)
Home - Last but not least, I want to be a better homemaker. This means better organization, working on home projects, cook more and clutter less. This one is a doozy for me and will stretch me way out of my comfort zone. If I don't start channeling Rachel Ray, I may end up stocking back up on peanut M&Ms and strawberry pop tarts.
Martha Stewart has a resolutions planner along with some other planners.
There are printable forms here that you can use to create a home organization binder.
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