1/21/2009 - 30w
I'm 30 weeks!
Is it normal that I look more pregnant than I really am?
"Yes, most likely."
Thank goodness because I feel like I have John and Kate plus 8 in my belly. The ironic thing is, I have not gained any weight for the last 2 months but the belly continues to expand. So far, I am up 10 pounds and the benchmark for twins is 35-45 lbs. I am concerned about this because I feel like I am not getting the nutrition I need for two babies. I have my next ultrasound and OB appointment next week and plan to ask about their weight.
Here's me at 30 weeks.
Pregnancy is the strangest, most awesome feeling. There are two life forms that simultaneously wreak havoc on my physical being while bringing me such happiness in my emotional being.
There are things that I could live without like...
- itchiness
- explosive nighttime gas - or so Rod says. He has yet to acquire proof
- hemorrhoids & constipation - Milk of Magnesia is my friend
- stress incontinence - I don't want to cough or sneeze for fear of public leakage
- leg cramps
- clumsiness - I drop everything. And I leave it hoping the cats will eat it or Rod will pick it up
Some things I wish I could still do...
- bend at the waist (to pick up aforementioned dropped items)
- drive with more than just the tips of my toes. I cannot possibly move the car seat back any further to make room for the belly.
- go up a flight of stairs in less than a minute
Skills acquired during pregnancy...
- monkey toes, you can really build some strength in those foot phalanges and pick up things, or move things, or cook things
- waddling, on my best days, I can waddle 2 miles per hour.
- positioning myself for bedtime with 8 pillows in under 2 minutes.
And if there are some inconsiderate folks who comment on my belly, I found some snappy comebacks:
You're so HUGE!
• "Yeah, I'm actually a week late and my water could break at any minute -- stand back!"
• "I know, I gotta start cutting back on the burgers and booze."
• "I'll try to take that as a compliment."
• "Yeah, but I'm going to lose 20 pounds in a day. What about you?"
• "Well, ya know, I'm growing a life. What have you done today?"
You're so TINY!
• "Doesn't feel that way to those of us looking down at the belly."
• "I've decided to gain all of my pregnancy weight in my ass."
Adventures in Sous Chefdom contd
8 months ago
Monkey toes!! hah! You are right - you never knew how strong those toes are until you really need them. :o) And my favorite, "Yeah, but I'm going to lose 20 pounds in a day. What about you?"
First, let me state that you look fantabulous! I looked bigger than you at 30 weeks but not in the belly - all over!!
Second, Your blog title is stinkin' hilarious. My husband then proceeded to look up the Wonder Twins online as we couldn't remember was it "form of a" or "shape of a"...
Third, thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the giveaway & for adding the button. A heads up, I will be having another giveaway for a book you should totally get called the Sleepeasy Solution. It is my baby bible and with twins - sleep is something that will become more valuable than gold!
Email me your shipping address! You are my winner for the Potty Training kit from Baby Signs.
Oh sister girl you look like freaking Heidi Klume compared to..well all four of my SINGLE child pregnancies!!! SO don't just Shat-up oday? yeah I realize it's easy for the person who is NOT looking at thier own body in the mirror and going.. What the HUH?! But realy it will be okay. If you plan to breast feed.. BONUS! and breast feed TWO.. um you are my mamory HERO! You'll loose it faster.
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog today. USE THE COUPON SYSTEM!!! with two little ones on the way you'll save so much you MIGHT be able to put one of them through a semester of college.. HA! I'm gonna follow you as well because I'm FACINATED by how moms of mulis do it.. I've got four (all singles) and a very shotty grasp on my sanity so I can't imagine TWO or more at one time!!
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