1/12/09 - 28w5d
I have been doing some research into what baby things we will really need to care for the twins. There is a really good comprehensive list here and it's a long list. It's daunting to think we will actually need all these things. Just the amount of diapers for two babies is astronomical.
I did an inventory of the items I have already gotten from my sister and best friend and was armed with a list when Rod went to create our baby registry. There are a handful of places I thought of going: Babies R Us, Baby Depot (at Burlington Coat Factory), Target, Wal-mart, Amazon. I decided on Babies R Us, Amazon and Target (which is actually powered by Amazon). It's a lot of places but it gives all those wonderful and generous individuals a variety of choices if they want to help out with baby stuff. See, it's not all about babies, I am thinking of all of you.
I decided to register at Target because some of the items may be less expensive then if you were to get it at BRU. They also have additional items available online and since it is powered by Amazon, it makes it easy to purchase and ship.
I really did an Amazon wish list to add items that you couldn't find anywhere. For example, a twin feeding pillow or a twin carrier, which Rod is hankering to get. :)
Things I like about Amazon:
- the ability to shop without leaving the house
- sometimes items are cheaper than in a store
- free shipping over $25 if you purchase from Amazon (affiliate sites usually charge shipping)
- fast shipping of items. (I bought a camera recently and got it the very next day even with the ground super saver free shipping)
- no tax
Here are the links to the registries:
Babies R Us - 97247201
Target - 014399700317422
Adventures in Sous Chefdom contd
7 months ago
You need to register for the head /temporal thermometer that they use at dr's offices, the traditonal and the ear ones just arent practical for baby use. The ear one is also quite inaccurate.
I'm blog hopping and I read this post and noticed that you mentioned needing a nursing pillow for twins. A GREAT on is the Nesting Pillow by Blessed Nest.
site: http://www.blessednest.com/
blog: http://www.blessednestperch.com/
Blessings to you!
I added one to BRU but it was on back order. Amazon has it cheaper so I added it there too.
Kara - Thanks for the link to the nursing pillow.
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