Thursday, May 23, 2013

Return of the Queen

Blog, oh how I've missed you. I cannot believe it has been 23 months, 1 week and 3 days since I last posted. But really, who was counting?  I surely wasn't because that count is not accurate at all.

I started blogging sometime in the early or mid 2000's. It was a medium that fed my narcissism back then. I was going through relationship, work and life issues and it became therapeutic. It was about the time that my insurance ran out on my mental health care and I was tired of writing in my journal "Dear Diary, My life sucks. I suck. My insurance sucks. This diary sucks too. Sorry." The more I wrote, the more I discovered about myself. Like how much I enjoy talking about myself.

I'll never forget my first blog. It was called the Tao of Thao. I wrote about life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Then I got cocky and wrote about things that were happening at my job. I was confident no one read my posts, especially not my highly technical and left-brained peers. I was venting about an individual that I had to train who was not, in my opinion, qualified for his position. I thought I was being clever by not mentioning any names that might incriminate me and using aliases like "Baby Huey" to identify this person. I at least learned something from Dooce. But apparently not enough.

Baby Huey's wife "found" my blog and reported me to management. I got called in and reprimanded. Taking the cockiness a bit further, I told them I was not sorry I wrote it because that is how I truly felt. I was just sorry it was found. I would still have The Tao of Thao if not for that meddling wife of BH. I am not above remorse for hurting someone so I scarfed down my humble pie and apologized to BH. Strangely enough, we developed a good working relationship. I was not angry at BH but more at management and he was the fall guy. I ended up leaving that place but I never revived that blog although I think of it with fondness every now and again.

So much has happened in the last two years, I hope the writing bug keeps biting so that I can continue to document it all. My memory is already starting to fade.