Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Office Box & Wrong Number Book Launch

Anyone who has seen my craft room knows not to ever go in there again. Since the birth of Dean and Sam, who am I kidding. Since September of 2008, I have not kept it up and it looks like a tornado ripped through it. I wish I could find the time to get it straighened up. I would wish even harder to win this awesome giveaway.


Wrong Number_front

Several sights are participating in The Office Box and Wrong Number book launch with some pretty cool prizes. You can win a prequalifying giveaway and be entered to win The Office Box, which is the newest addition to The Original Scrapbox lineup of incredible craft organizational furniture. You also get an autographed copy of Wrong Number, Rachelle Christensen's newest romantic suspense novel. Check out the book trailer below.

Head on over to the following blogs to enter the giveaway.

The Mommy Files
Cricut Christmas
Little Birdie Secrets
Priscilla Styles
Mommy Mandy
Alvor-Dare To Dream
Diony George
Heather Justesen
Queen of the Clan
Scribbled Scraps
Anne Bradshaw
Rachel Rager
Tristi Pinkston
Cami Checketts
Nichole Giles
Wendy Paul
Marilyn Bunderson
Ronda Hinrichson
C.L. Beck: Write Up My Alley
Christine Bryant
Ali Cross
Jenni James
Annette Lyon


Anonymous said...

Is that a completely fold out and hide away desk style kit thing? That is so sweet! I would love to have something like that for my own crafts. Currently, my closet is a modified work area, but alas, I can't seem to have enough cubby holes >_<